miss out


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Englannin sanakirja

miss out (englanti > suomi)

  1. menettää, jäädä jostain paitsi

miss out englanniksi

  1. To miss an experience or lose an opportunity, etc. that should not be missed.

  2. Anybody who does not try the homemade ice cream is really missing out.

    I think hes going to miss out on the opportunity to date her if he doesn't hurry.''

  3. {{quote-journal

  4. puhekieltä To leave out, to omit.

  5. 2010 November 8, Meanwhile, in the TARDIS... (mini-episodes included in the fifth season of (w)):

  6. DOCTOR (as the TARDIS is showing pictures of his previous companions): Miss out the metal dog, why don't you?
